Tuesday 1 September 2015

Addressing Jinx's response video to mine, point-by-point

Quick recap, I made a video on reaction channels, focussing mainly on Jinx:

He then reacted to this:

Okay, let me address Jinx's points one by one.
I have pasted the comment I tried to leave on his video, so the prose is of me directly addressing him. So I'll say shit like "Why do you...." as opposed to "Why did he..." as you would otherwise expect. I would go back and edit it, but I can't be bothered.

It's long, btw. So in case you care, here it is :)


Okay, let me address your points one by one.

First of all though, why didn't you address every point in my video? You can't just address the points you like lol. CJ completely muting his sound in his KSI video, why didn't you say anything about that? I wanna hear your argument about that point lol

And you *still* sit there and justify reaction videos and say even you using Pewdiepie's videos was OK.
If so, why did Pewdiepie himself upload a video where he brings up the topic?
And if you truly see your use of Pewdiepie's videos as OK, why have you now deleted your Pewdiepie vids?
Why don't you keep them up? I thought you thought it was promotion. I thought you thought it was a good thing, right?

Okay, addressing every point you made. I'm going to address *every* point you make.
And I'll address your Jinx Reload channel, don't worry lol. You haven't got much of an argument there either. Scroll down to point 12 if you wanna read that first.

1) I don't hate you cus you're popular, I disagree with your content cus reaction channels are the purest form of shit, and you were the main focus cus you're the most popular reactor on YouTube , and honestly, I consider you to be one of the the most inanimate, dull reactors too. CJ was a focus because of how insanely fast he's been growing. If you didn't exist, the focus would've been Tyrone and the Big 4. Nothing personal.
2) I didn't say the *whole* video is you sitting there like a statue, but it's not much different. I know you laugh occasionally and say dumb shit like "dayum" and cus of that, you think that's any different. It's really not, it's just as shit. I watched a good few of your videos, I honestly didn't see one where you were doing much of any value.

I didn't see any video where you did anything my 8 year old cousins couldn't do just as well.
3) Yes, people are watching the video in the corner and not you, and it shows in the way you present the videos. You say at times, there's nothing happening in the video worth reacting to. So why do you leave it in? You're a *reaction* channel. If there's a part where there's no reaction from you (of which there are many in every video of yours), *edit it out*. You leaving it in shows there's value in the reaction-less part of the video. If there's a gameplay video, they don't show them tinkering with the options before the game starts, noone wants to see that shit. Yet you keep in the parts where you're sat there doing fuck all.

Keep telling yourself people are watching you and not the video, I'm sure it makes you feel better.

And there is *absolutely* value in what you do. You give people a convenient place to come to to watch a bunch of viral, really popular videos. All stolen and unethical (hence why you get so many copyright strikes), but they might as well subscribe because it saves them having to search for them themselves. You shouldn't get any credit from that, but unfortunately you do, and it's sad to see YouTube being a place where people get credit for shit like that.

And you're a YouTube MCN Partner so I'm sure they've told you about the importance of endcards. You link your other videos so people can click on other videos and watch those too., to further convince them to subscribe. You make that not possible. And you never end a video by emphasising "yo, that video was by this YouTube user, his videos are funny as hell, go check him out, give him a subscribe, I love his shit" do you? It's some lame shit like "uh huh huh, that was funny. I laughed. Anyways peace."

Again, people sub to you because it's a convenient place to have a bunch of cool, worth-watching videos all together. You yourself are irrelevant to that purpose.
4) The point about the awkward face; again, I'm not expecting you to be jumping off the bed, more important point is why you wouldn't edit that out, since there's no reaction to it. If you were truly a reaction channel, your video would be purely reaction. But it's not. That's because there's value in your videos having those unedited, uninterrupted videos.

Your channel is built on other people's content.
5) There are literally thousands of videos that take the video and re-upload it, you say. First of all, no there aren't thousands. They're not substantial at all. They get 30 views. You get tens of thousands. I've had my videos uploaded by other channels. Get like 20 views. Yours get tens of thousands of views, some even have multiple millions. You're reaching if you think your channel is comparable to those unsubstantial ones. *That's* why I'm on your case. That's the least surprising thing ever, I don't know why you're sounding so surprised; it's fucking obvious.
6) Other people are only getting paid from your videos either because the system noticed it or the original creator noticed it. I have a claim on my second Vegan Gains video because of the Inception music at the end of it,. automatically detected it. The first time I uploaded it (I was in Amsterdam trying to upload and was having issues, go backlog my twitter feed if you want) it didn't detect shit, so that auto-detect doesn't always work, it's not perfect.

That page you showed had 100 videos of yours that had copyright strikes. There were 4 pages, so at the very least, you have 301 videos where someone else has made a copyright claim, and at the most you have 400. You have 1048 videos. So at least 648 of your videos have no copyright claim on them, and we both know you don't have over 60% of your videos being all your own content. So those are videos *you're* getting paid from, which you don't deserve. Get off your high horse mate, don't act like you're a charity gaining nothing from all this.

And you having so many copyright strikes is further proof of how bad your channel is, as a whole. You flaunt it proudly.

You should be ashamed of that kind of track record.
7) 5:20 - You're saying you didn't say reacting wasn't easy or hard. Call me out on this, I can literally link you to a video where you *word-for-word* say "I get it, reacting isn't hard." I would love for you to request me to link you that video, but I can't, cus if I do, this comment gets sent straight to the spam, and I've written *wayyyy* too fucking much already to have that happen :p

And at 5:43 *in this very video* you just said "Is it hard? No." And at 6:25 too. Lol you can't be this stupid Jinx, come on.

5:37 - "Ask anybody, it's not *as* simple as you think"
A guy reacted to my video and he mentioned how it's even easier than I thought. He said he used his stream broadcasting software like OBS to record, so he doesn't even have to edit at any stage, he records his video in finished reaction-channel-format.
8) Your older videos being shitter than they are now doesn't mean reactions aren't the easiest form of video to make. All it means is you started making money (off other peoples content) and were able to afford a better microphone or a capture card/software. Doesn't mean it's hard at all. Pointless argument. If you're saying you sat there on Adobe Audition painstakingly going through the entire audio file for your video and touching it up, you're lying,.

You need to make a tutorial video to show all of this work that you claim goes into making reactions.

Like I said in my video, you said you would make 10 videos in a day. If you can make 10 videos a day, it's clearly not a hard process.
9) With regards to the wanting to see people's reactions to a video, people want to see their friends react. To say people then want to go online and see random people react is ridiculous, especially when, as you said yourself, some videos warrant no reaction. This is another excuse to justify you uploading other peoples unedited, uninterrupted content.

People want to specifically see your reactions? Cool, then edit out the boring parts. But you don't.
10) How are you *still* going to defend the Pewdiepie situation? You ignored the CJ mute video, this was definitely another point you wanted to avoid lol. You're saying stealing Pewdiepie's videos was justified because of the VAST minority of people who know you but don't know Pewdiepie. You essentially saying there exists at least one person who watched your video and hadn't heard of Pewdiepie is a shit argument. Noone's denying it, I'm saying Pewdiepie would never have authorised your theft of his videos the way you did

You can't justify your theft of Pewdiepie's videos when he himself made a video alluding to him not agreeing with your videos. It's stupid, on your part.

You say you're living proof of someone who didn't know who Pewdiepie was. So that makes it OK for someone to steal his videos? Let's extrapolate that logic; so are you saying that if literally a million people started uploading Pewdiepie's videos every time he uploaded a video, it would be okay? At what point does it become unacceptable? Because I say anyone doing it at all should be unacceptable.

And if you using his videos was so justified, why did you delete them?

I know I mentioned this at the top, but just going into a little more depth here. And not everyone's going to read this fucking far lol, and it's one of the strongest points against you, so had to have it up at the top, where it gets more shine haha.

7:56 - "Boom, that's promotion man, heh heh."
Again, dunno how you gonna act so smug and confident when you deleted the fucking videos.
Boom, that's shady man.
11) With regards to you saying you're partnered with YouTube, I'm now convinced you were partnered with YouTube. I still have a niggling thought in the back of my mind as to why an official YouTube representative would say you're not, but overall I'd say you covered that point. I'm not here to bend every point in my favour.
12) I'll happily address your Jinx Reload channel.
Your Jinx Reload channel, you mean the channel that at the time of the upload of my video, you had uploaded a total of 5 videos in the past month, compared to the 57 you had posted on your Jinx channel.

You do have another channel, but you give a fraction of your attention to that. If you had 5 channels on Jinx and 57 on Jinx Reload, then you could confidently boast about your Reload channel. The only reason I didn't talk about your Reload channel is because my video was 16 minutes as it was; I didn't want it being that long, let alone even longer.

In one or two videos, you talk about how your Reload channel is your main focus and you say becoming big off YouTube "just happened" and you never planned for it to happen.
Except when you were at 9,000 subs and had just overtaken Akasan in subscribers, you made a challenge to all the other reactors that you were going to become the biggest reactor. You also talk about how you carefully planned on doing this, such as in your "How to be Youtube famous" videos, talking about "scope out the competition baby" and shit. More lies, man.

And that's more about the nature of how you started growing out of nowhere. No particular viral videos, yet after making the challenge, you suddenly start growing crazy fast. Someone having only 9,000 subs and being so confident is why everyone in your community was convinced you were using subbots.

And I see you haven't made your video statistics public, something you have to opt out of. If you go to a video and click the "More" option, you can usually click on "Statistics" to see a graph of Video Views against Time. I'm not saying you subbot-ed, but making those graphs public would be pretty interesting.

But again, Jinx Reload had a total of 48 videos uploaded and your Jinx channel, which had 1048. That's LITERALLY 1,000 more videos. That's literally more than 21x as many videos. You have another channel, but you clearly don't give a shit about it, so stop talking about it with such high regard.
13) Again, you can't compare TheFineBros' React series to the videos you put out. They edit the parts with no reactions out, you leave them in. Show me one FineBros clip that has an extended amount of time where nothing is being reacted to, which then isn't directly commented on after. You won't be able to. Tell your million (or however of them aren't bots and are actually real :p) fanboys to help you search. I'll look forward to seeing that clip.
14) Your brother's clearly not gay lol. I'm a comedy channel first, the saying your brother is gay was a setup for the joke at the end. If, after watching my video from start to finish, you're still going to bring up me saying your brother is gay, you're an idiot. I addressed him having a girlfriend in the video, so it's pretty clear I'm aware of this. This was, by far, your weakest point in this video.

I see it as you wanting to make as many points as you can to make it seem like you have a stronger case.

And if you're going to mention CJ, mention his muted video reacting to KSI. Don't worry about his gayness.

And John Travolta is an incredibly gay man (according to some people, I'm not saying he is...), but he has a wife and kids. Having a gf doesn't make you not gay, it just makes you very in the closet. Just sayin :p
15) More than once, you  act surprised as to why I would focus on you as a reactor, as opposed to the thousands of other reactors. It's very obvious why I'd focus on you Jinx, you're the most subscribed reactor by a factor of about 2.5x. It's stupid for you not to see why I would focus on you.

"Like if my channel had 10K subs, he wouldn't say anything."
Obviously, then the video would have been on Tyrone Magnus

Keep acting surprised. Another fake reaction.
16) My whole video was on how mad I am that YouTube, a place I love and respectas a whole, has become a place where content as pure shit as yours can grow to such a colossal and sought-after size. I know a channel I love that used to make videos but stopped like 3 years ago, total of 27 subscribers. So much talent and comedy in those videos, 27 subs. You reactors come out watching videos with a silent smile on your face and you're all blowing up.

It's disgraceful on YouTube's part, in my opinion. It's a slap in the face to all the YouTubers, large or small, who are busting their ass trying to make good OC (original content).

What message does your popularity send to potential new content makers?
"Should I be busy learning to edit and writing scripts and acting etc? Fuck that, I can grow faster by just watching other people's content."

Not only does it put off potential content creators from putting out content, it could potentially discourage others from making content. Tyrone Magnus silently reacted to my video and he currently has 72K views on it. I like the guy, but I think that's fucking disgraceful that that video's still up.
17) I don't hate *you* for being you, I think lowly and don't respect all reactors for being reactors, which includes you. If any reactor stopped reacting, I'd have no lack of respect towards them any more. Stop feeling attacked for being who you are, you're being attacked for the shit you do.
18) I am talking a lot of shit lol. I stand by me saying you're a bitch, that you're a dick, that you're a twat etc

However I can't say anything on the argument of whether or not you're gay or not. All I have to go off is you being pretty damn insistent on having me, a male, to come visit you in Vegas.... People can come to their own conclusions on that.

And pay for my flight and hotel, lol shit I'd happily take a paid-for trip to Vegas. Paypal me the money and I'll be on my way :D Don't be so insistent on having me come out there and then not follow up on making it happen Jinx. Send me that fucking money. We know you got it, you've gotten pretty big doing all this content stealing :p
19) "SHITTY-ASS DRAWINGS"?!?!?!?! >:0 How dare you!
20) I don't hate everything. I love Karrueche Tran. But yeah, I pretty much hate everything else.
21) Lol I'm not lying, the smile on my face from the "From me and a million other people, fuck you bro" was the widest it's been today. And you thought I was mad. *You* the one who's mad.
22) LAST POINT. You say I lie? Tell me what lies. List them.
Seriously though, 1) send me that money to come see you, and 2) address CJ muting himself on that KSI video.
And in the same way I did, go through my video and address EVERT point like I did, not just the ones you want to.

If anyone read all this, goddamn, I'm impressed. 10 points to you.